I have no idea what I titled this page. I've got several ideas running throughout my mind since we've had a chance to sit down and unwind.
Okay, I've come up with the title for this blog. After hours of flying in planes, we arrived this morning in Singapore. We were met at the airport by a mission couple, the Singapore Stake President, who is also the stake director of seminaries and institutes, and the area director of seminaries and institutes. The mission president was unable to meet us because he was attending a Mission President conference in Hong Kong. After collecting our luggage (We didn't lose any!), we were taken to the mission office where we were given a couple of briefings; one from the mission couple and the other from the two seminary and institute directors. Pictures were taken. Hopefully I have one here. If not, check back later. Eventually someone will email one to me. We learned from our briefings that we will be extremely busy. There is much for us to do!
After our briefings, Sister Bodell and I were shown where there were a couple of fast food places. We opted for something exotic. We selected Subway. The egg salad sandwich I had was quite refreshing and light.
We're spending the night with the mission couple who met us at the airport. They live in a little home with six bedrooms and an equal number of bathrooms. It comes in very handy when there is a mission conference of any kind.
So, we're almost there. Tomorrow we fly out on Malaysia Airlines for Sibu with a transfer in Kuching. Hence the almost there. Tomorrow we will arrive at our new digs where we will probably be staying for the next 18 months.
what a book this will make