Monday, September 1, 2014

Welcome to the MTC!

After saying good-by to friends and family yesterday, we drove up to Provo and checked in at the MTC. We were only about an hour and a half later getting on the road than we wanted to be. I guess that's not too bad. The scary part was getting in the car and realizing we didn't have our passports. We   went back in the house and looked for them. We couldn't remember where we put them. Fortunately, our son, Josh, saw them sitting on the counter. Minds were spared much agony! With the car packed to the brim, including Sherrie's harp, which she is renting to someone up north, and with passports in hand, we finally backed out of the driveway at 4:30 P.M. and headed north.

After a couple of stops along the way for gas and food, we arrived at the MTC about 8:15. We met the family renting the harp across the street from the MTC and delivered it to them. Then we drove across the street and checked at the MTC. Everything went well. We went to apartment where a couple of security guards helped up bring our luggage into our apartment. We settled in real fast and went to sleep and slept well. This is home, sweet home.

This morning we got up, cleaned up, and breakfasted with lots of missionaries. We saw Elder Labrum, the son of Brother Labrum from our Stake High Council. He's been here four weeks. It was fun to see him light up when he saw us.

After breakfast we attended orientation meetings the rest of the day, with a break for lunch. Before starting class this morning, we took a moment to take a "selfie" to remind us of our first day.

Just before lunch, we were able to meet our language tutor, Hoku Kubota. This was our first live meeting with her. We've been on Skype with her for six weeks while learning some Malay. It was nice to meet her in person.

We finished our meetings about 4:30 this afternoon, then went to dinner. After dinner we went to the Creamery for some BYU ice cream. After getting our ice cream we discovered they also sold BYU mint brownies. Hmmm, I wonder if we'll make it back there tomorrow? If not, we will before we leave next week.

So, here we sit in our apartment . . . it's only 7:30 P.M., and we are both bushed. Tomorrow will be a busy day with class starting at 8:00 A.M. and going until 4:30 P.M.. It's not as strenuous of a schedule as for the younger missionaries, but when you're not used to it, it's quite fatiguing. Tomorrow we start training from the Preach My Gospel manual. We'll be at it all week. We'll see how this older couple can cope with that.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! What a coincidence, we were studying Preach My Gospel last night too! We hope to take the leap of faith next year. Love reading your blog. Thanks to Natalie who told meabout it:-)
    If you get to go out for brownies and byu ice cream, the mtc can't be too bad. Do you get to go to the gym too?


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