As shared previously, our Zone/Seniors Conference in Singapore was outstanding, even if I did have to speak. It was totally uplifting. It was sad to end it. It was also sad to say good-by to Elder and Sister Boyter. They were the first ones from the mission who met us at the airport.
The Boyters were originally stationed in Kuching as CES missionaries. Our original call was to replace them when we arrived in January, 2015, but they were reassigned to the mission home, and we were asked to come earlier than January, but you already know that story. Anyway, we were assigned to Sibu because the seminary and institute program is doing pretty well in Kuching. Sibu and the surrounding areas need help and support. We're working on that. We gave the local YM/YW leaders seminary registration forms at the end of Youth Conference yesterday. More about YC to follow. Meanwhile, back to the Boyters. They are dear friends, and we hated to say good-by, but we know that we shall see them again sometime.
Sister & Elder Boyter and Elder & Sister Bodell |
Sister Boyter & Sister Bodell looking down a deep, dark well that was painted in only two dimensions. A really cool optical illusion! |
We made several new friends and renewed acquaintances with seniors couples during our time in Singapore. We went to dinner with the Boyters, Pryzbylas, and Sliders. The Sliders were in the MTC with us. They got a later start with a passport issue. They took our place in Kuching, but they are MLS missionaries. The Pryzbylas are also in Kuching, but they are Self-Reliance missionaries.
Elder Slider, Elder Pryzbyla, Elder & Sister Boyter, Sister Bodell, Elder Bodell, Sister Pryzbyla, Sister Slider: This was dinner at Astons. They have really good food there. |
We were able to do a little sight-seeing while we were in Singapore. We know where to go next time. We learned a lot about Singapore from the Pryzbylas. I hope we can spend more time with them next time.
We went out to Sentosa Island in Singapore. What a place! There're several shops, restaurants, cafes, a wax museum, an aquarium, and Universal Studios. Here are few highlights from there, as well as the Christmas lights on Orchard Street. Beautiful!
Merry Fishmas from the Aquarium on Sentosa Island |
They displays are definitely captivating! |
Santa and one of his elves paid a visit while we at the aquarium. |
Live, from Universal Studios on Sentosa Island, Singapore!
No, we didn't make into Universal Studios on this trip. Maybe another time. |
Somewhere in Singapore. I hope we find this place soon. |
Inside the Muslim mosque; this is the men's prayer room. |
Sister Bodell, our guide, and Sister Pryzbyla. We up in the women's prayer room
where a woman's head is always covered. |
This is the outside of the mosque. |
Orchard Street becomes Christmas Street every year. |
It's quite a site. It helped give us the Christmas Spirit! |
The lights were beautiful! |
This is a quick glimpse if the lights in the trees.
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