Today our lessons in our CES training were on how to teach. There are so many, many ways to teach. I really like Gospel Teaching and Learning - A Handbook fro Teachers and Leaders in Seminaries and Institutes of Religion. It reminds me of Teaching - No Greater Call. It's smaller, but on steroids!
We were also introduced to the teacher's manual for the Book of Mormon seminary course as an example on how to teach. Everything is in the manual! The manuals are complete with the "chunks" of scriptures that will be covered, summaries of each chunk with the principle or doctrine taught, and its importance. It includes questions that can be asked as well. I'm looking forward to studying the Doctrine and Covenants this year with the seminary manual. I don't know what the institute class will be . . . maybe the same thing. We'll soon find out what and who will be teaching.
Our last class today was on personal security and safety wherever the missionaries go; things to watch out for; things and places to avoid; watching each other's backs; and so forth. It was somewhat scary, but hey! So is driving in St. George, Utah.
Tomorrow morning are our last classes. We're done at noon. Then it's get the laundry done, get packed, say good-by to the MTC, drive to the airport, board the plane, and begin the flight to Singapore!
Good luck with your travels, and your mission!