Well, I'm not sure this week will be more picturesque than last week, but there are more pictures this week.
With the downsizing of the missionary force, it has become necessary to close missionary apartments. This may or may not be a bad thing, but sometimes the landlords can be a bit of hassle. We're in the process of closing an apartment now. The landlady/owner is not easy to deal with. One, she only speaks Chinese, and two, she's not at all accommodating. I won't go into any details on that.
What I wanted to show you was a large beetle that was on the landing at the apartment one day when we were there. My foot is large so you can see the bug is huge! This is one of many different kinds of insects here.
It's almost big enough for dinner! |
Monday night we attended FHE at Brother Merang's home, along with Elders P and Y, Brother Kong, his wife, and his son, David, Brother Gaadong and his family, and Sister Julie and her family. The missionaries taught the lesson and afterward we had dinner. Lots of food, fun, and family . . .
This is one of the best spreads we've been privileged to enjoy!
Brother Gaadong |
Elder Y "kissing up" to a fish before he eats it. |
I've been hoping to get a photo of more than three on a moto. Success! Sister Julie and her family came to FHE on their moto. Her oldest daughter is the driver. This happens all over Sibu.
A very happy family of recent converts. |
This month is Ramadan, the month of fasting for the Muslim faith. Faithful Muslims fast from sun up to sundown everyday during the month. The main holiday is called Hari Raya. This is pretty much the last day of the celebration. There are decorations all over, much like Christmas. This is just one of the many that we saw.
We recently attended a Branch function where there was a lot of food. Nothing unusual. Sister Bodell got into it, though. By the time we went through the line there were not eating utensils. Sister Bodell made do like many of the others.
Eating with "personal" eating utensils |
We have to chuckle sometimes during our weekly district meetings. Elder P, our DL, works role-playing into each meeting for the missionaries to improve their teaching skills. I had to laugh this week as Elders P and Y role-played with their "investigators."
Elders Y and P role-playing with their "investigators" |
It seems like its been a busy week. Next week looks like it will be busy, too. The missionaries have several baptisms coming up in August. We need to prepare Books of Remembrance for each of them. Right now we're looking at 10 baptisms. We also help prepare the program for the service as well. There are seven baptisms this next weekend. I know next weekend will be busy!
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