Sunday, September 7, 2014

MTC - The Weekend

Saturday was a good day to just relax . . . no when or where to go. It was pleasant for the most part. I lost my MTC ID. I discovered this after going to the Mount Timpanogos Temple in the afternoon. Not a good way to finish a temple session. Fortunately, someone turned it in back our housing unit. I was very grateful for that.

As I was sitting in the Temple chapel, waiting for the session to begin and listening to hymns being played on the organ, I had the distinct impression that my grandmother (Grandma Jim) was there. I could see her, as she appeared when she was younger. As I closed my eyes to focus more on her, I could also see her husband, my dad and my mother, and my other grandparents. I wish they could have stayed longer in my view, but it was very comforting to see them, knowing they were watching me, loving me.

Sunday morning we attended Sacrament meeting with one of the missionary branches at the MTC. We met a young sister who is flying home Wednesday to Singapore to get her visa renewed. We will probably be on the same flight with her. She seemed most grateful for that. Since this is Fast Sunday, Sacrament meeting was a Fast and Testimony meeting. It was very moving to hear these young Elders and Sisters bear their testimonies in English, which is not their native tongue. Their testimonies strengthened us.

Every Fast Sunday is a mission conference. That was held about 30 minutes after our short Fast and Testimony meeting. Mission conference was a two-hour meeting. The district president, the MTC mission president and his second counselor and their wives were the speakers. The musical number was presented by a young Elder who will be going to South America. He sang The Lord's Prayer. What a beautiful voice he has. Those in his mission will be greatly blessed because of his talent. The two hours went by quickly. There was a great spirit there. Not being a "meeting" kind of person, I am amazed that these meetings have been so uplifting. I can sit through them without needing (wanting?) to get up and move. What a blessing to be here at the MTC!

This evening we attended two more devotionals. The first was departing devotional for all those that would be departing the MTC this week. We will be departing Wednesday so that included us. The MTC President, President Nally, and his wife spoke, as did his second counselor and his wife. We were given instructions on departing and what we should when arrive in the mission field.

After this we attended the MTC Sunday devotional for all missionaries. The speaker was Richard I.  . This was a great interactive talk with three missionaries called from the congregation who bore their testimonies about their conversions to the Gospel and to the Church. It was another beautiful meeting. An additional highlight was the concluding prelude congregational singing. It was We'll Bring the World his Truth (The Army of Helaman).  There are two words changed in the chorus. The chorus is now sung:

We are as the Army of Helaman.
We have been taught in our youth.
And we are now the Lord's missionaries.
To bring the world His truth.

The  third verse also had a wording change. It is sung:

We know his plan, and we will prepare,
Increase our knowledge through study and prayer.
Daily we'll learn and now we are called
To take the gospel to all the world.

You've got to love it.

We have been called to take the Gospel to Sibu, Malaysia. We are excited to go forth and serve. Next Sunday we will be attending church in Sibu!

In closing tonight, I would like to let all those reading this blog know that I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is, indeed, the church of Jesus Christ. It is His church. He guides it through living prophets and apostles. He lives. He restored the Church through the prophet Joseph Smith. The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. It is the word of God. What a blessing for Sherrie and I to be able to help share this message for the next 18 months!

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